Family Day at Lakedell Ag.
Join us for a fun-filled Family Day on Monday February 19, starting at 4:30 pm. Come on out and enjoy illusions, laughs and more with The Joe Show starting at 5 pm!
Join us for a fun-filled Family Day on Monday February 19, starting at 4:30 pm. Come on out and enjoy illusions, laughs and more with The Joe Show starting at 5 pm!
The 10th annual Bullridin’ and Bootscootin’ is just around the corner!! Bullriding tickets are now available! Tickets can be purchased at the Lakedell Ag office, Backstreet and ATB Westerose. Tickets are $25 in advance,...
Cutting Lessons – Tuesday Evenings Come try something new, challenging and fun! All levels of riders and horses welcome. You don’t have to be a cutter to work the flag, we use the...
Our AGM will be Jan 8/2017. Tickets available at the Ag office and Backstreet.
We are currently having issues with our phone line. Please call our second line at 780-586-2483 if you need to call the office. Telus will be out to work on it tomorrow. Sorry for...
If your interested in being a vendor at our Christmas Craft Sale please contact the office. The form :
We are happy to be hosting lessons with Dustin Grams on Tuesday evenings this year. All lessons are pre-register only… Please contact the Ag for further information.
Come play or learn to play polocrosse! Thursday August 31, 7:30 pm warm up 8:00 pm play. Large outdoor arena Please RSVP to Susann 780-312-3250 via text or call. No experience necessary must have...
Just wanted to let everyone know that the outdoor arena will be ready for use later tomorrow afternoon.