Weekly Riding Timeslots
Weekly sign ins continue. I see there are some other facilities that are no longer taking sign ins and I am contacting AHS on this however have not yet been told that we can...
Weekly sign ins continue. I see there are some other facilities that are no longer taking sign ins and I am contacting AHS on this however have not yet been told that we can...
Lakedell Agricultural Society has been proud to call the Lakedell 4-H Beef Club part of the family for, quite literally, generations.The board of directors at Lakedell support the 4-H program wholeheartedly and all of...
Open ride sign up sheets for The week of April 12. Please note that Tuesday and Thursday evenings there will be youth riding lessons (pony club and 4-H) and this weekend, April 17 and...
Congratulations to Nicole Klatt with ticket number 6654. She wins $4345. Thank you to all who supported our 50/50! The Ag Society and Board members appreciate the funds which go a long way to...
Tuesday April 6: volunteersignup.org/9L4TA Wednesday April 7: volunteersignup.org/BPK4D Thursday April 8: volunteersignup.org/7YX47 Friday April 9: volunteersignup.org/Q7AAJ Saturday April 10: Falun East Beef Mini Show- Arena closed to Drop in Riding. Sunday April 11: volunteersignup.org/EHKL4...
Tuesday March 30: volunteersignup.org/XDDPQ Wednesday March 31: volunteersignup.org/7FJY4 Thursday April 1: volunteersignup.org/RW8PX Friday April 2: volunteersignup.org/Y7HHX Saturday April 3: volunteersignup.org/4CWTL Sunday April 4: volunteersignup.org/73MYR Monday April 5: volunteersignup.org/MTCA3
Monday March 22: https://volunteersignup.org/78RQT Tuesday March 23: volunteersignup.org/PXTMB Wednesday March 24: volunteersignup.org/FFEHJ Thursday March 25: volunteersignup.org/9KWHP Friday March 26: volunteersignup.org/EXYTK Saturday March 27: volunteersignup.org/3487Y Sunday March 28: volunteersignup.org/QFLQT Monday March 29: volunteersignup.org/4CYK9
Monday March 15, 2021: volunteersignup.org/KL3P4 Tuesday March 16: volunteersignup.org/RMFWP Wednesday March 17: volunteersignup.org/FCTB4 Thursday March 18: volunteersignup.org/DWWHW Friday March 19: volunteersignup.org/RTPDE Saturday March 20: volunteersignup.org/EXKR9 Sunday March 21: volunteersignup.org/9BLP7 Monday March 22: volunteersignup.org/78RQT
Monday March 8: volunteersignup.org/CDJCA Tuesday March 9: volunteersignup.org/LJHTY Wednesday March 10: volunteersignup.org/REXYQ Thursday March 11: volunteersignup.org/8783C Friday March 12: volunteersignup.org/B8PFK Saturday March 13: volunteersignup.org/A4JP3 Sunday March 14: Lakedell 4-H Beef Mini Show. Sorry no...
As you may be aware the Government of Alberta did not allow for Community Halls to reopen yesterday as part of their path forward. The arena is all that is currently allowed to have...