Lakedell Fair Gymkhana

Lakedell Fair Gymkhana Thursday September 1, 2022

(Click to enter:

6pm doors open, 7 pm start time There is free admission to watch the gymkhana.

All Riders $10 each for the evening($5 for an additional horse). Preferably paid in advance via e-transfer to (direct deposit, please include name and gymkhana entry in memo)

Minimum of Barrel Racing, Pole Bending, Stake Race and Thread the Needle. Fun games if time permits after.

Ribbons for each class, highpoint prizes in each age category:

Novice Pee Wee (9 & under being led or getting parental assistance),

Pee Wee (9 & Under but riding on their own),

Junior (10 to 13

Intermediate (14 to 17).

Adults (Men and Ladies 18+)

We will ride outside but can access indoor arena in case of bad weather.

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