Weekly Drop in Riding Sign up for week of November 29

**PLEASE NOTE that since we are now able to share timeslots that means that you can not bring stock unless you have the arena rented. If you want to work on events such as barrels or poles you must discuss this with the other riders. If you have dogs here and there are other riders please put your dogs away, we do not want them hurt or to have an incident that could put others in harms way.**

Don’t forget about the Christmas Farmers Market here on Saturday December 4. The arena is closed so come and shop local!

Tuesday November 30volunteersignup.org/K39FL
Wednesday December 1volunteersignup.org/3WAX9
Thursday December 2volunteersignup.org/D8YJR
Friday December 3volunteersignup.org/BJ3XX
Saturday December 4 Arena ClosedChristmas Farmers Market in Main Hall and Arena
Sunday December 5volunteersignup.org/Y9Q48
Monday December 6volunteersignup.org/YKFEY
Tuesday December 7 (only early morning available)volunteersignup.org/3YR7P

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