Lakedell Ag ReLaunch

We are able to start the re-launch process here at the Lakedell Ag Society! 

Bocce will start Thursday June 25. 

Pickle Ball will resume Friday June 26 in the main hall at 2 pm.

Farmers Markets continue to run Fridays 4-7 pm.

Gymkhanas will be starting up in the outdoor arena Thursday July 9 & 23 and August 6 & 20th at 7 pm.  I will get info on the website and facebook about these dates in the next few days.(rain outs will be held indoors.)

That must mean…

The indoor and outdoor arenas are open!

Arena members should have fobs already and you can once again use them to access the indoor arena.  Past members fobs are activated to use their fobs to access the building and pay per use in the arena drop box or send an e-transfer to ($10 per horse drop in fee). All of the walk through doors are now locked and the fob system will be your only access.  This eliminates the risk of touching multiple doors etc and also allows the Ag Board to show the Health officials who has been in the arena(eliminating a sign in system I hope).  The not so good news is that as of now we will not have access to the washrooms.  This will more than likely change in the near future but that is how it stands as of today.

We will need to get anyone who wants to drop in a fob.  I am here at the farmers market Fridays from 4-7, or you can call the Ag Office and we can make a plan.

The outdoor pens are open too. 

The Fair is scheduled for September 5th.  We are going to get to work planning the event just in case the restrictions are lifted so that it can be held!  More information will be coming out soon on this but for now write the 5th of September down.

I am working on putting some small events together for our art nights and flight nights but do not have solid dates for these as of today…so keep your eyes open!

It is worth mentioning…please do not come to the Ag Grounds if you have not been feeling well or have been experiencing any Covid symptoms.  Please use common sense and maintain your physical distancing when you are here riding, tacking up, playing and visiting. Our Farmers Market has markers to keep social distancing maintained. Once we start holding other events we will continue to be aware of sanitation and distancing in order to uphold AHS guidelines and best practices.

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